Overview Group Keypoint Detection Node

Overview Group Keypoint Detection Node

The Group Keypoint Detection Node is used to detect the keypoints such as human pose and facial landmarks with pre-trained or custom deep learning models on GPU, CPU, TPU (Google Coral) or VPU (Intel Movidius Myriad X).

Input and Output
  1. Input: Frame from a video file, IP or USB camera (or from other pre-processing node).
  2. Output: MQTT message containing the keypoint results.
  3. Supported architecture: Currently supported on amd64 devices.
Node Parameters
The following parameters are used in the Group Keypoint Detection node.

Name: Input the node name used in a specific flow.
  1. default: group keypoint detection
  2. type: string
Device: Select the target detection mode to be used. Currently available are CPU, GPU, VPU/MYRIAD, and TPU.
  1. default: CPU
  2. type: string
In case you select VPU as your target device, you will be displayed with an additional field where you can indicate how many VPU target devices you would like to run your models on, or run the edge inference on both CPU and VPU. To do that, simply enter MYRIAD,MYRIAD,CPU as an example. This means that the inference will be performed on 2x VPUs and 1x CPU.

Category: Defines the type of keypoint category to be used (e.g. Human Pose, Facial Landmark, etc.).
  1. default: Human Pose (we currently support Human Pose)
  2. type: string
Model: Select one of the most popular public models for group keypoint detection:
  1. Available models: See here
  2. default: Resnet 50
  3. type: string
Custom Model: You can link your own custom model by adding the model URL.
Detection Threshold: Refers to the threshold value for confidence score filtering.
  1. default: 0.3
  2. range: (0.0~1.0)
Show Result: Defines whether or not to draw the detected keypoints on the output frame.
  1. default: true
  2. type: boolean

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